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Blog / The Blueprint to Profitably Scale to $5M ARR

The Blueprint to Profitably Scale to $5M ARR

BuildrsCRM   on September 15, 2024

Scaling from $0 to $5 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR) requires a systematic approach to growth. The good news? It can be done profitably by focusing on the right channels and strategies. Below, I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process, based on proven methods, using a combination of organic short-form content, influencer marketing, SEO, and paid ads.

Organic Short-form Content

In today’s social media landscape, follower count doesn’t matter. What really counts is engagement. Even a new account with the right content can go viral and outperform established influencers. The key is not to chase followers but to chase virality.

A great hack here is to create fresh accounts, find a face for them, and craft a viral video series. For example, if a famous person created a new/additional TikTok/X account today, their videos would immediately go viral, thanks to the algorithm pushing their content to their existing fanbase—even with zero followers. You can leverage the same approach for your brand.


Here’s the formula:

  1. Find a face for your account.
  2. Craft a viral video series —keep experimenting until you find a winning format.
  3. Multiply accounts —once you find a viral series, create multiple accounts and start reposting and tweaking the same content.


For example, you could partner with a creator that has a big following. Even though you started with a brand-new account with this creator, you can achieve large numbers of impressions in the first month because the algorithm will push the content from the new account to the established followers. Once you find a viral series, you can tweak it slightly and repost multiple times a week.

Viral series examples:

  • A guy testing how many spaghetti sticks can hold his weight.
  • A guy drinking a cup of milk for every 1,000 followers he has.
  • A video series “POV: You have an essay due,” with minor variations, generated over 300 million views and more than half a million dollars in revenue.

Keep experimenting with video ideas across platforms like TikTok, X, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts or LinkedIn. Once you find a viral concept, post it across multiple accounts and languages, sponsor reposts on other pages, and turn it into paid ads. Rinse and repeat.


💡 B2B Tip: Leverage LinkedIn for these videos as well. Share content that speaks to professional challenges, industry insights, and expert interviews—these resonate well with decision-makers.

Influencer Marketing

When it comes to influencers, size doesn’t always matter. Smaller influencers with high engagement can provide incredible results at a fraction of the cost of larger names. Here’s how to tap into influencer marketing:


  1. Find influencers: Look at which influencers your users follow on Instagram, TikTok, or X, and use “suggested accounts” feature to find similar ones.
  2. Reach out to influencers: Direct messages (DMs) often result in higher response rates than emails. Be clear, concise, and make it clear that it’s a paid promotion.
  3. Negotiate: Align incentives by splitting payment, with part based on performance (e.g., number of conversions). Never pay 100% upfront.
  4. Customize content: Each influencer has a unique style. Tailor content to match their usual format to maintain high engagement. A good influencer partnership is worth far more than several unsuccessful ones.


Remember, influencer marketing is about trial and error—casting a wide net and then doubling down on what works.


💡 B2B Tip: Partner with industry experts or micro-influencers within your niche. Their trust and reputation in the field can create powerful content such as tutorials or product demos that resonate with professional audiences. Focus on performance-based partnerships, especially with niche influencers in your industry. Performance metrics in the B2B space can include lead generation, downloads of white papers, or registrations for webinars.


SEO is a long-term game but can provide exponential growth. Start SEO when you have enough understanding of your users. Here are some SEO hacks to help:


  1. Take featured snippets: Use SEO tools to find keywords you already rank for and tweak your content to grab Google’s featured snippets by making the answer clear and concise.
  2. Search for Viral content on Social Media: Use viral posts on X, TikTok or LinkeIn and turn them into your blog content.
  3. Boost brand searches:Encourage users to search for your brand name, as brand searches boost your site’s credibility in Google’s eyes.
  4. Add schema: Mark up pages with structured data to help search engines better understand your content.


SEO is an ongoing process, and while results may take time, they can compound into massive returns when done right.


💡 B2B Tip: Answer common industry questions or concerns in your content. Focus on questions decision-makers would ask, such as “What’s the best CRM for manufacturing companies?” or “How to reduce supply chain costs?”


Paid Ads

Only start running paid ads after you’ve experimented with influencer marketing and organic content. Why? Paid ads require data to work effectively, and you can get that data from organic channels first.

Here’s how to approach paid ads:

  1. Use existing creatives: Repurpose high-performing content from influencer partnerships for paid ads.
  2. Leverage customer feedback: Use comments from organic social posts to craft better ad copy.
  3. Scale gradually: Once you have product-market fit (PMF) and a 3:1 LTV to CAC ratio, it’s safe to scale your ad spend. Ensure your landing page is optimized to convert traffic

Paid ads can be a powerful tool, but don’t rush into them. Focus on organic channels first, then use the insights gained from these channels to optimize your paid campaigns.


💡 B2B Tip: LinkedIn Ads are highly effective in the B2B world. Retarget key decision-makers who have engaged with your website or downloaded your content, delivering personalized ads that address their pain points.

Final Thoughts

Scaling to $5M ARR isn’t easy, but it’s achievable if you focus on continuous experimentation and iteration. For every growth channel, it’s about finding what works and doubling down. Start with organic content, experiment until something sticks, and once you find that viral spark, replicate it across platforms. Similarly, approach influencer marketing and paid ads with a data-driven mindset.

At every stage of growth, you’ll encounter new challenges, but the key is to stay focused, refine your processes, and hire the right people to help you scale.